Keep your website running great with the latest website security and monitoring tools
MESH constantly monitors your website and takes appropriate action to deal with issues, usually before you even know there's a problem! We'll tell you what we did in your detailed monthly report.
Make updates and changes to your website's content
Whether it's adding new text, photos, links, downloadable PDFs, or new functions, the MESH WP Support Care Plan has got you covered. You can send us the changes and we'll apply the updates or we can show you how to do it yourself.
You get round-the-clock access to the Website Care Plan Support Portal
The Care Plan Support Portal is always available: 24/7/365 and you'll hear back from MESH the same business day (if you send your Support Request outside NY business hours, you'll hear from us the next business day). When you submit a support ticket, you'll get a confirming email letting you know we're on the case. You can check out the Support Portal here.
Access to Creative and Marketing Services to Enhance Your Online Presence
Our business and marketing experts will continue to find innovative ways to differentiate your firm from your competition and assist you in adapting your firm to take advantage of the latest technology tools. We'll help you craft key messages and processes to highlight the benefits of doing business with you.
MESH WP Support can host your website on its Enterprise Grade Servers, offering 99% uptime - these are the same servers we use to host this and our other sites. For one low monthly price, MESH will take care of all the technical aspects of your website so you don't have to hassle with all that stuff.
The MESH WP Support Care Plan can also cover your website when you host with another provider. There are some aspects of the Care Plan we can't offer, of course, but we can still provide you with the excellent service, unlimited changes and quick response time you expect and we deliver.
You focus on running your business; we'll take care of your website!
Complete the sign up below and let's do this. We're thrilled to have you join us!

Website Marketing and Care Plan
with Hosting
$360 / month
- 24/7/365 Email Support Using Our Online Support Portal
- Detailed Monthly Reports
- Website Content Additions - Text, Images, Photo Galleries, Links
- Training and Guidelines for Managing Content
- Website Backups
- Website Uptime Monitoring
- Google Analytics Setup
- Website Performance Optimization
- Spam Comments & Revisions Cleaning
- WordPress Updates
- Plugins Updates
- SSL Certificate
- Malware & Virus Cleanup
- Database Optimization
- Enterprise Grade Website Security
- Premium Website Hosting
- Marketing Consulting
Significant additions may require a separate project and additional cost.
You'll receive a confirming email after your Care Plan subscription is successfully created.
"*" indicates required fields
When you give us your personal information, it will never be shared, given or sold to anyone -- ever!