
The Adisa Group website shows the key messages about this new consultancy in a modern, mobile-friendly way. We worked closely with our client to organize their service descriptions and associated benefit statements so they worked great on their site, regardless of the device used by the website visitor.
The website is here.
Background/The Problem/Project Goals and Objectives
The principles of Adisa approached us to design and implement a website for their new business. Their consultancy was focused on strategic planning, building management skills, and fostering strong team work with a common foundation of respect, cooperation, charity and positivity. Their intended audience was Senior Corporate Management and Not-for-Profits and they wanted their site to have the feeling of strength and quiet calm.
Adisa wanted the site to look modern and appeal to business executives. Among the site attributes that were important were:
- high level benefit statements needed to be clearly presented with the option for the website visitor to click a link to learn more
- attractive functional website elements that worked well on a large display (like a desktop) needed to automatically adapt to smaller devices without compromising the content
- setting up a platform for the partners to share their insights on a regular basis
Process and Insight
Since it was a new business, Adisa had a wealth of information about the services it would provide but that information was not yet organized for dissemination to prospects and it wasn’t web-site ready either. We recommended information categorization and website organization and worked with Adisa to reconstitute their data into components that were meaningful for their visitors.
As we built the website, we shared the site with Adisa in a private test area so they could refine their messages and understand how the site would fit into their website launch promotional activities.
We combined a careful selection of images, accented with muted colors and appropriate font choices, to give a balanced look with a lot of white space.
While we were building the site, we created service descriptions that were very detailed, based on the content provided to us. The resulting pages were very busy and text-heavy, making those pages incongruous with the open feeling on the rest of the site. We redesigned the descriptive information, presenting the key messages on a summary page while giving the website visitor the ability to see more detail with a single click. The results were well received by the site owners and their colleagues.
We built a site for Adisa that is clear and easy to navigate and has a wealth of information that gets displayed appropriately, based on the visitor’s device size. The style and format of the information changes so that it works great on a phone and offers the breadth of information on a desktop too.
For example, we built multiple versions of several pages with custom code that determines the visitor’s device size; specific content is delivered to the visitors browser, based on how they are looking at the site. This way, we can control the content and messages delivered so that it all looks great and is easily readable.
The new Adisa sight has a blog that allows the partners to share anecdotal information learned from client engagements to help them attract like-minded prospects for their business.
We designed and implemented a complementary header for the client’s Facebook business page and LinkedIn business page and we cross-post their blog entries onto the various platforms as well.
The site launched and traffic spiked immediately. The clients are happy with the way their messages are being conveyed and they have been successful in getting the word out about their services and thought processes. They have begun to add blog posts to the site and have are in the process of gathering testimonials from their new clients to include on their website.